Mental illnesses are medical conditions that can affect a person’s thinking, feelings, and moods. They can also affect the way a person relates to other people and how well they manage day-to-day activities. Family members and friends can also be affected when there is a serious illness of any kind in the family including mental illness.
One in every 5 adults experiences a mental health condition in any given year. One in 25 experiences a serious mental illness such as bipolar disorder or schizophrenia (according to NAMI). They can affect people of any age, race, or income level. No two people are exactly alike so even those with the same conditions may experience them differently.
Mental health conditions affect young people as well as adults. Half of mental health conditions begin by age 14 and up to 75% develop by age 24. It can sometimes be hard to tell the difference between behavior that’s normal for adolescents and teens and signs that a mental health condition is developing. Getting help early is important. Relief of symptoms and recovery from illness is possible especially if you are actively engaged in treatment.
For More Information
For more information, please download these resources:
- Navigating a Mental Health Crisis (PDF)
- Circle of Care: A Guidebook for Mental Health Caregivers (PDF)
- Family and Friends Participant Guide
- Psychiatric Advance Directive
- How To Be An Effective Health Care Agent
- Suicide Prevention in the Workforce - Toolkit
- Tweens, Teens, and Young Adults
For more information relevant to diverse populations, please visit these links:
- Veterans & Active Duty
- College and Mental Health
- Diverse Communities
- Latino Behavioral Health Services
You may also want to visit these websites:
- National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)
- National Institute of Mental Health
- Utah Suicide Prevention Coalition
- Utah Department of Substance Abuse and Mental Health
- Utah Community Action (Housing Assistance)
- USARA (Addiction Recovery)
- Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)
- American Foundation for Suicide Prevention
- Brain and Behavior Research Foundation
- International Bipolar Foundation
- Schizophrenia and Psychosis Action Alliance
- The Trevor Project
- Veterans Affairs Mental Health Resources
- Ways to Cope When Your Debt Harms Your Health
- Pre-existing Mental Health Conditions: Insurance Coverage & Finding Treatment
- Student Guide to the Impact of Loans on Mental Health